Ny state sex offender registration act

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The Laws of New York Consolidated Laws of New York CHAPTER 43 Correction ARTICLE 6-C Sex Offender Registration Act SECTION 168 Short title ARTICLE 6-C Sex Offender Registration Act SECTION 168-B Duties of the division; registration information


SECTION 168-A Definitions Correction (COR) CHAPTER 43, ARTICLE 6-C

§ 168-a. Definitions. As used in this article, the following
definitions apply:

1. "Sex offender" includes any person who is convicted of any of the
offenses set forth in subdivision two or three of this section.
Convictions that result from or are connected with the same act, or
result from offenses committed at the same time, shall be counted for
the purpose of this article as one conviction. Any conviction set aside
pursuant to law is not a conviction for purposes of this article.

2. "Sex offense" means: (a) (i) a conviction of or a conviction for
an attempt to commit any of the provisions of sections 120.70, 130.20,
130.25, 130.30, former section 130.40, former section 130.45, sections
130.60, 230.34, 230.34-a, 250.50, 255.25, 255.26 and 255.27 or article
two hundred sixty-three of the penal law, or section 135.05, 135.10,
135.20 or 135.25 of such law relating to kidnapping offenses, provided
the victim of such kidnapping or related offense is less than seventeen
years old and the offender is not the parent of the victim, or section
230.04, where the person patronized is in fact less than seventeen years
of age, 230.05, 230.06, 230.11, 230.12, 230.13, subdivision two of
section 230.30, section 230.32, 230.33, or 230.34 of the penal law, or
section 230.25 of the penal law where the person prostituted is in fact
less than seventeen years old, or (ii) a conviction of or a conviction
for an attempt to commit any of the provisions of section 235.22 of the
penal law, or (iii) a conviction of or a conviction for an attempt to
commit any provisions of the foregoing sections committed or attempted
as a hate crime defined in section 485.05 of the penal law or as a crime
of terrorism defined in section 490.25 of such law or as a sexually
motivated felony defined in section 130.91 of such law; or

(b) a conviction of or a conviction for an attempt to commit any of
the provisions of section 130.52 or 130.55 of the penal law, provided
the victim of such offense is less than eighteen years of age; or

(c) a conviction of or a conviction for an attempt to commit any of
the provisions of section 130.52 or 130.55 of the penal law regardless
of the age of the victim and the offender has previously been convicted
of: (i) a sex offense defined in this article, (ii) a sexually violent
offense defined in this article, or (iii) any of the provisions of
section 130.52 or 130.55 of the penal law, or an attempt thereof; or

(d) a conviction of (i) an offense in any other jurisdiction which
includes all of the essential elements of any such crime provided for in
paragraph (a), (b) or (c) of this subdivision or (ii) a felony in any
other jurisdiction for which the offender is required to register as a
sex offender in the jurisdiction in which the conviction occurred or,
(iii) any of the provisions of 18 U.S.C. 2251, 18 U.S.C. 2251A, 18
U.S.C. 2252, 18 U.S.C. 2252A, 18 U.S.C. 2260, 18 U.S.C. 2422(b), 18
U.S.C. 2423, or 18 U.S.C. 2425, provided that the elements of such crime
of conviction are substantially the same as those which are a part of
such offense as of the date on which this subparagraph takes effect.

(e) a conviction of or a conviction for an attempt to commit any of
the provisions of subdivision two, three or four of section 250.45 of
the penal law, unless upon motion by the defendant, the trial court,
having regard to the nature and circumstances of the crime and to the
history and character of the defendant, is of the opinion that
registration would be unduly harsh and inappropriate.

3. "Sexually violent offense" means: (a) (i) a conviction of or a
conviction for an attempt to commit any of the provisions of section
130.35, former section 130.50, sections 130.65, 130.66, 130.67, 130.70,
130.75, 130.80, 130.95 and 130.96 of the penal law, or (ii) a conviction
of or a conviction for an attempt to commit any of the provisions of
sections 130.53, 130.65-a and 130.90 of the penal law, or (iii) a
conviction of or a conviction for an attempt to commit any provisions of
the foregoing sections committed or attempted as a hate crime defined in
section 485.05 of the penal law or as a crime of terrorism defined in
section 490.25 of such law; or

(b) a conviction of an offense in any other jurisdiction which
includes all of the essential elements of any such felony provided for
in paragraph (a) of this subdivision or conviction of a felony in any
other jurisdiction for which the offender is required to register as a
sex offender in the jurisdiction in which the conviction occurred.

4. "Law enforcement agency having jurisdiction" means: (a) (i) the
chief law enforcement officer in the village, town or city in which the
offender expects to reside upon his or her discharge, probation, parole,
release to post-release supervision or upon any form of state or local
conditional release; or (ii) if there be no chief law enforcement
officer in such village, town or city, the chief law enforcement officer
of the county in which the offender expects to reside; or (iii) if there
be no chief enforcement officer in such village, town, city or county,
the division of state police and (b) in the case of a sex offender who
is or expects to be employed by, enrolled in, attending or employed,
whether for compensation or not, at an institution of higher education,
(i) the chief law enforcement officer in the village, town or city in
which such institution is located; or (ii) if there be no chief law
enforcement officer in such village, town or city, the chief law
enforcement officer of the county in which such institution is located;
or (iii) if there be no chief law enforcement officer in such village,
town, city or county, the division of state police; and (iv) if such
institution operates or employs a campus law enforcement or security
agency, the chief of such agency and (c) in the case of a sex offender
who expects to reside within a state park or on other land under the
jurisdiction of the office of parks, recreation and historic
preservation, the state regional park police.

5. "Division" means the division of criminal justice services as
defined by section eight hundred thirty-seven of the executive law.

6. "Hospital" means: (a) a hospital as defined in subdivision two of
section four hundred of this chapter and applies to persons committed to
such hospital by order of commitment made pursuant to article sixteen of
this chapter; or (b) a secure treatment facility as defined in section
10.03 of the mental hygiene law and applies to persons committed to such
facility by an order made pursuant to article ten of the mental hygiene

7. (a) "Sexual predator" means a sex offender who has been convicted
of a sexually violent offense defined in subdivision three of this
section and who suffers from a mental abnormality or personality
disorder that makes him or her likely to engage in predatory sexually
violent offenses.

(b) "Sexually violent offender" means a sex offender who has been
convicted of a sexually violent offense defined in subdivision three of
this section.

(c) "Predicate sex offender" means a sex offender who has been
convicted of an offense set forth in subdivision two or three of this
section when the offender has been previously convicted of an offense
set forth in subdivision two or three of this section.

8. "Mental abnormality" means a congenital or acquired condition of a
person that affects the emotional or volitional capacity of the person
in a manner that predisposes that person to the commission of criminal
sexual acts to a degree that makes the person a menace to the health and
safety of other persons.

9. "Predatory" means an act directed at a stranger, or a person with
whom a relationship has been established or promoted for the primary
purpose of victimization.

10. "Board" means the "board of examiners of sex offenders"
established pursuant to section one hundred sixty-eight-l of this

11. "Local correctional facility" means a local correctional facility
as that term is defined in subdivision sixteen of section two of this

12. Probation means a sentence of probation imposed pursuant to
article sixty-five of the penal law and shall include a sentence of
imprisonment imposed in conjunction with a sentence of probation.

13. "Institution of higher education" means an institution in the
state providing higher education as such term is defined in subdivision
eight of section two of the education law.

14. "Nonresident worker" means any person required to register as a
sex offender in another jurisdiction who is employed or carries on a
vocation in this state, on either a full-time or a part-time basis, with
or without compensation, for more than fourteen consecutive days, or for
an aggregate period exceeding thirty days in a calendar year.

15. "Nonresident student" means a person required to register as a sex
offender in another jurisdiction who is enrolled on a full-time or
part-time basis in any public or private educational institution in this
state including any secondary school, trade or professional institution
or institution of higher education.

16. "Authorized internet entity" means any business, organization or
other entity providing or offering a service over the internet which
permits persons under eighteen years of age to access, meet, congregate
or communicate with other users for the purpose of social networking.
This definition shall not include general e-mail services.

17. "Internet access provider" means any business, organization or
other entity engaged in the business of providing a computer and
communications facility through which a customer may obtain access to
the internet, but does not include a business, organization or other
entity to the extent that it provides only telecommunications services.

18. "Internet identifiers" means electronic mail addresses and
designations used for the purposes of chat, instant messaging, social
networking or other similar internet communication.