What Is a Controlled Separation?

Legal Separation Definition

Cathy Meyer is a certified divorce coach, marriage educator, freelance writer, and founding editor of DivorcedMoms.com.

Updated on 03/06/18

A controlled separation is a new approach to dealing with marital problems that has grown in popularity over the last few years. The ultimate goal of controlled separation is to save the marriage by working with a counselor to put together a separation agreement with specific guidelines.

Controlled separation allows couples who are experiencing marital problems to live separately and, at the same time negotiate and work toward finding solutions to the marital problems. It has been found to be successful when one spouse was adamant about divorcing. Putting distance between the spouses and individual work with a counselor helps spouses see things from a different perspective.

There are always guidelines to follow that are written up in contract form. The guidelines depend on the individual couple and what problems they are facing. Below are examples of basic guidelines a controlled separation agreement might include.

Controlled Separation Agreement Guidelines

How Does Controlled Separation Help?

The list below summarizes some of the benefits of a controlled separation and a structured separation agreement.