7 SQL JOIN Examples With Detailed Explanations

Do you need to join several tables to get the necessary result set? The SQL JOIN is a basic yet important tool used by data analysts working with relational databases. And I understand it can be difficult to choose from the zillions of introductory guides to joins. In this article, I will focus on real-world examples with detailed explanations.

Introduction to JOIN

With relational databases, the information you want is often stored in several tables. In such scenarios, you’ll need to join these tables. This is where the SQL JOIN comes into play.

The JOIN clause in SQL is used to combine rows from several tables based on a related column between these tables. You can get an overview of the SQL JOIN tool in this introductory article.

In this guide, I want to cover the basic types of SQL JOINs by going through several examples. I will discuss in detail the syntax of each query, how it works, how to build a condition, and how to interpret the results.

For the examples, we will use information about a publishing house that publishes original and translated books. Our database contains four tables: books , authors , editors , and translators .

1Time to Grow Up!original1121
2Your Triptranslated152232
3Lovely Loveoriginal1424
4Dream Your Lifeoriginal1124
6Your Happy Lifetranslated152233
7Applied AItranslated132334
8My Last Bookoriginal1128

If you want to practice joining tables in SQL with many examples, I recommend taking the SQL JOINs course. It includes 93 coding challenges!


We’ll start with a basic INNER JOIN , or simply, JOIN . This join type is used when we want to display matching records from two tables.

Example #1: Showing books and their authors

Let’s say we want to show book titles along with their authors (i.e., the author’s first name and last name). The book titles are stored in the books table, and the author names are stored in the authors table.

In our SQL query, we’ll join these two tables by matching the author_id column from the books table and the id column from the authors table:

SELECT b.id, b.title, a.first_name, a.last_name FROM books b INNER JOIN authors a ON b.author_id = a.id ORDER BY b.id;

In the SELECT statement, we list the columns to be displayed: book id, book title, author’s first name, and author’s last name. In the FROM clause, we specify the first table to join (also referred to as the left table). In the INNER JOIN clause, we specify the second table to join (also referred to as the right table).

Then, we use the ON keyword to tell the database which columns should be used for matching the records (i.e., the author_id column from the books table and the id column from the authors table).

Note also that we are using aliases for table names (i.e., b for books and a for authors ). We assign the aliases in the FROM and INNER JOIN clauses and use them throughout the query. The table aliases reduce typing and make the query more readable.

Here’s the resulting set:

1Time to Grow Up!EllenWriter
2Your TripYaoDou
3Lovely LoveDonaldBrain
4Dream Your LifeEllenWriter
6Your Happy LifeYaoDou
7Applied AIJackSmart
8My Last BookEllenWriter

For each record in the left table (i.e., books ), the query checks the author_id , then looks for the same id in the first column of the authors table. It then pulls the corresponding first name and last name.

Note that the order of the tables doesn’t matter with INNER JOIN, or simple JOIN. The result set would be exactly the same if we put the authors table in the FROM clause and the books table in the INNER JOIN clause.

INNER JOIN only displays records that are available in both tables. In our example, all books have a corresponding author and all authors have at least one corresponding book. So, let’s see what happens if some of the records are not matched.

Example #2: Showing books and their translators

In our second example, we’ll be displaying books along with their translators (i.e., the translator’s last name). Only half of our books have been translated and thus have a corresponding translator. So, what would be the result of joining the books and translators tables using INNER JOIN ?

SELECT b.id, b.title, b.type, t.last_name AS translator FROM books b JOIN translators t ON b.translator_id = t.id ORDER BY b.id;
2Your TriptranslatedWeng
6Your Happy LifetranslatedGreen
7Applied AItranslatedEdwards

The query outputs only those books that have been translated. I’ve added the type column to make it clear. The rest of the books couldn’t be matched with the translators table and thus are not displayed. That’s how INNER JOIN works.

Also, note that in the second example, we were using JOIN rather than the INNER JOIN keyword. It has no impact on the result because INNER JOIN is the default join type in SQL. You can learn about other SQL JOIN types in this detailed guide.

Okay. Now we know how to join tables when we need only the matched records to be displayed. But, what if we want to keep all of the books in the resulting set without cutting the table to the translated books only? It’s time to learn about outer joins!


We’ll start our overview of OUTER joins with the LEFT JOIN . You should apply this SQL JOIN type when you want to keep all records from the left table and only the matched records from the right table.

Example #3: Showing all books alongside their authors and translators, if they exist

For instance, let’s say that we want to display information about each book’s author and translator (i.e., their last names). We also want to keep the basic information about each book (i.e., id , title , and type ).

To get all of this data, we’ll need to join three tables: books for basic info on the books, authors for the authors’ last names, and translators for the translators’ last names.

As we have seen in the previous example, using the INNER JOIN (or simple JOIN ) to join the translators table results in losing all of the records for original (not translated) books. That’s not what we want now. So, to keep all of the books in the result set, we’ll join the books , authors , and translators tables using the LEFT JOIN .

SELECT b.id, b.title, b.type, a.last_name AS author, t.last_name AS translator FROM books b LEFT JOIN authors a ON b.author_id = a.id LEFT JOIN translators t ON b.translator_id = t.id ORDER BY b.id;

See that we start with the books table in the FROM clause, making it the left table. That’s because we want to keep all of the records from this table. The order of the other tables doesn’t matter.

In our query, we first LEFT JOIN the authors table based on the author_id column from the books table and the id column from the authors table. Then, we join the translators table based on the translator_id column from the books table and the id column from the translators table.

Here’s the resulting table:

1Time to Grow Up!originalWriterNULL
2Your TriptranslatedDouWeng
3Lovely LoveoriginalBrainNULL
4Dream Your LifeoriginalWriterNULL
6Your Happy LifetranslatedDouGreen
7Applied AItranslatedSmartEdwards
8My Last BookoriginalWriterNULL

Great! We kept all of the books!

Note the NULL values in the translator column. These NULL values correspond to the records that were not matched in the translators table. These records are for original books without any translators involved.

Hopefully, you have grasped the intuition behind LEFT JOINs. You can learn more about this type of SQL JOIN in this introductory guide.

Okay, let’s go through another LEFT JOIN example to consolidate knowledge on the topic.

Example #4: Showing all books with their editors, if any

This time, we want to show the basic book information (i.e., ID and title) along with the last names of the corresponding editors. Again, we want to keep all of the books in the result set. So, what would be the query?

SELECT b.id, b.title, e.last_name AS editor FROM books b LEFT JOIN editors e ON b.editor_id = e.id ORDER BY b.id;
1Time to Grow Up!Brown
2Your TripJohnson
3Lovely LoveRoberts
4Dream Your LifeRoberts
6Your Happy LifeJohnson
7Applied AIEvans
8My Last BookNULL

Pretty simple, right? We again kept all of the books in the result set, including the last one, which doesn’t have a corresponding editor in our database (note the NULL value in the last row).

We can imagine that the editor is not present in the table of our current editors simply because they left the publishing house after editing the book.

Wait! What if we have some editors on the team who haven’t yet published any books? Let’s check with the next outer join type.


RIGHT JOIN is very similar to LEFT JOIN . I bet you guessed that the only difference is that RIGHT JOIN keeps all of the records from the right table, even if they cannot be matched to the left table. If you did, you’re correct!

Example #5: Books and editors with RIGHT JOIN

Let’s repeat our previous example, but this time, our task will be to keep all of the records from the editors table. Thus, we will have the same query as in example #4 except that we replace LEFT JOIN with RIGHT JOIN :

SELECT b.id, b.title, e.last_name AS editor FROM books b RIGHT JOIN editors e ON b.editor_id = e.id ORDER BY b.id;
1Time to Grow Up!Brown
2Your TripJohnson
3Lovely LoveRoberts
4Dream Your LifeRoberts
6Your Happy LifeJohnson
7Applied AIEvans

With only one word changed in the query, the result is very different. We can see that indeed we have two editors (Jones and Smith) that don’t have corresponding books in our database. Looks like new hires!

And that’s not the only change. We also don’t have My Last Book in the result set. This record of the left table (i.e., books ) was not matched in the right table (i.e., editors ) and didn’t make it to the final result.

RIGHT JOINs are rarely used in practice because they usually can be replaced with LEFT JOINs that are much more common.

For example, in our case, we could take our query from example #4 and just swap books and editors by putting editors in the FROM clause, making it the left table, and putting books in the LEFT JOIN clause, making it the right table. The result would have been the same as the above table.


Here we arrived at the last outer join type, which is FULL JOIN . We use FULL JOIN when we want to keep all records from all tables, even unmatched ones. So, it’s like LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN combined. Let’s go straight to the examples to see how this works in practice.

Example #6: Showing all books and all editors

To start with, let’s again join the books and editors tables, but this time, we’ll be keeping all records from both tables. We simply use FULL JOIN as the join keyword, leaving the rest of the query without any changes:

SELECT b.id, b.title, e.last_name AS editor FROM books b FULL JOIN editors e ON b.editor_id = e.id ORDER BY b.id;
1Time to Grow Up!Brown
2Your TripJohnson
3Lovely LoveRoberts
4Dream Your LifeRoberts
6Your Happy LifeJohnson
7Applied AIEvans
8My Last BookNULL

Looks great! As expected, we kept all of the books, even the one without a matching editor. Also, we kept all of the editors, even the ones that don’t have any corresponding books yet.

Note that the order of the tables doesn’t matter with FULL JOIN . The result would be the same if we swapped the tables by putting the editors table in the FROM clause and the books table in the FULL JOIN clause.

Example #7: Showing all books, authors, editors, and translators

In our final example, we want to join all four tables to get information about all of the books, authors, editors, and translators in one table. So, we’ll be using FULL JOIN throughout our SQL query:

SELECT b.id, b.title, a.last_name AS author, e.last_name AS editor, t.last_name AS translator FROM books b FULL JOIN authors a ON b.author_id = a.id FULL JOIN editors e ON b.editor_id = e.id FULL JOIN translators t ON b.translator_id = t.id ORDER BY b.id;
1Time to Grow Up!WriterBrownNULL
2Your TripDouJohnsonWeng
3Lovely LoveBrainRobertsNULL
4Dream Your LifeWriterRobertsNULL
6Your Happy LifeDouJohnsonGreen
7Applied AISmartEvansEdwards
8My Last BookWriterNULLNULL

As requested, the table displays all of the books, authors, editors, and translators. The records that were not matched have NULL values. That’s a great overview of the data stored in our database.

Time to Practice SQL JOINs!

Proficiency with SQL JOINs is one of the key requirements for anybody working with relational databases. To help you navigate the different types of SQL JOINs, LearnSQL.com has developed a two-page SQL JOIN cheat sheet. It provides the syntax of the different JOINs as well as examples.

However, to master JOINs, you need lots of practice. I recommend starting with the interactive SQL JOINs course that covers the important types of JOINs by going through dozens of examples and exercises. Learn more about this course in this overview article.