AFA Alaska Airlines Collective Bargaining Agreement 2014-2019

Electronic Contract with Hyperlinked Citations and Index

AFA and Alaska Airlines management are finally ready to publish the electronic contract with hyperlinked citations and index. We hope you will find the document much easier to use on your mobile devices compared to prior versions. Besides the link below, you can find the contract and active letters of agreement at Management will also be pushing the contract to your Inflight Mobile Device.

If you click on the hyperlinked citation references, the document will reposition to that citation. If the citation is a sub-paragraph within a main “header,” the hyperlink will take you to the header and you simply have to scroll down to the desired paragraph. At the bottom of every page you will find a link for the Table of Contents, the Index and the Reference section. The Reference section shows a list of the main headers within each section as well as the letters of agreement. All of the citations are hyperlinked throughout the document for ease of reference.

Although we have scoured the contract many times over, with a document as complex as this one there are bound to be a few errors such as incorrect or broken hyperlinks. If you find something amiss, email the Contract Committee at It is possible to periodically update the electronic contract as needed to correct those minor errors.

TA2 Print vs Final Print Versions Comparison

There have been several contractual improvements and clarifications added since the TA2 Print version. In order to make it easier to identify the changes, we have created a comparison document that highlights differences between the two. The comparison document is produced using a computer program that catches the vast majority of differences, but it is not infallible. Be aware there may be a few citations that are not highlighted even though the citations differ between the versions.

Hard copies

The contract will be sent off to the printer shortly, and we expect publication to take several weeks. AFA and management are ordering enough for every flight attendant to have a trade paperback sized hard copy of the contract. As soon as we have the details regarding an estimated release date and the means of distribution, we will provide an update.

It has been a long time coming—we thank you for your patience! If you have any concerns or questions, please contact your LEC president.

Your MEC—Jeffrey Peterson, Brian Palmer, Yvette Gesch, Lisa Pinkston, Laura Masserant, Cathy Gwynn, Sandra Morrow and Stephen Couckuyt; and

Your Negotiating Committee—MEC President Jeffrey Peterson, Kristy Stratton, Lisa Pinkston, Jake Jones, Christina Frees and AFA Senior Staff Negotiator Paula Mastrangelo

AFA Alaska

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Tuesday's announcement of the final regulatory approval and subsequent financial closing of the merger of Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines mark important milestones. As per Section X [Merger Policy and Related Employee Protective Provisions] of the AFA-CWA Constitution & Bylaws (C&B), the AFA Alaska Master Executive Council (MEC) will now begin the process of electing Members in good standing to serve on the Seniority Merger Integration Committee and Joint Negotiating Committee (JNC). More details about these positions and how to express interest are provided below.

September 15 marks the first day of Hispanic Heritage Month in the United States. This tradition dates back to 1968 when legislation was signed into law first recognizing Hispanic Heritage Week. Read more about Hispanic Heritage Month, learn about the accomplishments of Hispanic Americans, and learn about events you can participate in using the resource links below. Join the celebration by wearing a Hispanic Heritage Month AFA Pin. Check with your Local Council if you need a pin.

Over the last few weeks, our AFA Alaska Master Executive Council (MEC) has received valuable feedback from Members sharing their concerns about the failed Tentative Agreement (TA). A common question was whether any or all members of our current Negotiating Committee would be replaced.

We Will Never Forget – September 11, 2001

For Flight Attendants, the anniversary of September 11th holds deep emotional significance. Whether you were flying that day, knew someone personally affected, or joined the profession afterward, the weight of that tragic day is often felt across the industry. The emotions that surface on this anniversary can vary widely—ranging from grief and sadness to pride and resilience. It’s essential to acknowledge these feelings and find ways to honor them.

Thank you to the 73.4% of Flight Attendants who took the time to thoughtfully fill out the TA2 Survey - a terrific response rate. Our Negotiating Committee is currently reviewing the comprehensive survey report, which includes over 1,000 pages of free-text answers.

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