Karmayogini traces the extraordinary journey of AhilyabaiHolkar. Born around 1725, in the tranquil village of Chaundi, her life gets set to change when MalharraoHolkar and BajiraoPeshwa,are impressed by her courage even as a little girl, who was barely eight years old. Married, consequently to MalharraoHolkar’s son, Khanderao, who wasted himself in a psychedelic life, besotted by women, wine and opium…Ahilya strives to make her marriage work. The arrival of their daughter, Mukta and son, Maleraochanges nothing…infact,turns her life for the worse…

From thereon begins the journey of a lady who ruled for nearly thirty years …

A lady, well ahead of her times…a benevolent leader…a visionary who brought unprecedented growth in commerce and trade in times of peace and etched unparalleled stories of grit in times of war…despite a life fraught with innumerable personal tragedies…

She should be known not just for her charitable draft but political craft`a true Karmayogini !