Java Application Development on Linux

Free Java book from Bruce Perens’ Open Source Series. Written for Java and Linux developers alike, Java Application Development on Linux is the hands-on guide to the full Java application development lifecycle on Linux. Determined to spare other developers hours of trial and error, Albing and Schwarz demonstrate the platform, tools, and application development by showing realistic, easy-to-follow examples.

Book Description

After a simple command-line application introduces basic tools, this program leads readers through business-logic object analysis, database design, Java servlet UIs, Java Server Pages (JSP) UIs, Swing GUIs, and Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) GUIs. Scaling up to the enterprise level provides the opportunity to use both the JBoss Application Server and the Apache Geronimo Application Servers, and Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB).

Table of Contents

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Author(s): Carl Albing and Michael Schwarz.
Format(s): PDF
File size: 3.23 MB
Number of pages: 599
Link: Download.