Applying to the SFC for a Type 9 (Asset Management) Licence

The following is general information in connection with an application by a company to carry out Type 9 (asset management) regulated activity in Hong Kong. This information however is for general reference only.

The Licensing Process

The licensing application process would commence following the submission of a letter application together with completed prescribed forms and supporting documents as well as a prescribed fee. The Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) would examine, inter alia, the business plan, compliance functions, financial status as well as other aspects of the licensed corporation and its proposed regulated activity, and it would need to be satisfied that the substantial shareholders and responsible officers of the licensed corporation (which must be incorporated in Hong Kong) are fit and proper persons. The SFC would send a letter to the applicant formally accepting the application following a preliminary review of materials received; quite often however, it may require submission of additional information and/or clarification of certain key issues identified prior to formally accepting the application. The SFC performance pledge for processing a licensing application for corporations is 15 weeks from formal acceptance. Depending on the completeness of the information provided and whether the SFC has particular concerns regarding the application, the licensing process would take approximately 4-6 months, but it may be longer depending on a number of factors such as the complexity of the issues which may be raised and the number of applications the SFC is processing at any particular time.

For setting up the corporation from scratch, some major preparation items are listed below:

Requirement to establish a Hong Kong company

For a corporation to be licensed to carry out regulated activities in Hong Kong, section 116 (2) of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (“SFO”) requires that it has to be either a company incorporated in Hong Kong or an overseas company registered under Part 16 of the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (“CO“) having a principal place of business in Hong Kong (i.e. branch company). While it may be possible to set up an overseas incorporated parent and subsequently register a branch in Hong Kong, the SFC prefers the use of Hong Kong incorporated companies and has expressed a strong preference against the use of a branch. This is because, inter alia:

For information on establishing a Hong Kong company, please see the section headed “Establishing a Hong Kong private company” below.

Licensing in Hong Kong

The licensed corporation

For a corporation to be licensed to carry out regulated activities in Hong Kong, section 116 (2) of the SFO requires that it has to be either a company incorporated in Hong Kong or an overseas company registered under Part 16 of the CO having a principal place of business in Hong Kong (i.e. branch company). As explained above, the SFC prefers the use of a subsidiary rather than a branch.

Type 9 regulated activity

Type 9 (asset management) regulated activity is defined in Schedule 5 to the SFO as (i) real estate investment scheme management; or (ii) securities or futures contracts management.

Real estate investment scheme management, in relation to a person, means providing a service of operating a collective investment scheme for another person by the person, where (a) the property that is being managed under the scheme consists primarily of immovable property; and (b) the scheme is authorised under section 104 of the SFO.

Securities or futures contracts management, in relation to a person, means providing a service of managing a portfolio of securities or futures contracts for another person by the person, otherwise than by:

  1. a corporation which provides such service solely to any of its wholly owned subsidiaries, its holding company which holds all its issued shares, or other wholly owned subsidiaries of that holding company;
  2. a person who is licensed for Type 1 or Type 2 regulated activity who provides such service wholly incidental to the carrying on of that regulated activity;
  3. an authorised financial institution which is registered for Type 1 or Type 2 regulated activity which provides such service wholly incidental to the carrying on of that regulated activity;
  4. an individual:
    1. whose name is entered in the register maintained by the Monetary Authority under section 20 of the Banking Ordinance (Cap. 155 of the Laws of Hong Kong) as engaged in respect of Type 1 or Type 2 (as the case may be) regulated activity by an authorised financial institution registered for that regulated activity; and
    2. who provides such service wholly incidental to the carrying on of that regulated activity;

    There are certain exemptions under the SFO to the licensing requirements in general, including, inter alia: