SCRA Credit Card Regulations for Active Military

Banks and lenders that aren’t familiar with SCRA credit card regulations can find themselves in violation of this federal law.

Servicemembers on active military status are entitled to a number of protections under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, and one important one is a 6 percent rate on credit card debt and other loans.

complying with scra credit card regulations

A number of credit card companies have gotten into hot water with regulators for failure to comply with the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). The Justice Department accused Capital One of a number of violations between 2006 and 2011, according to An investigation showed Capital One denied active military status servicemembers the 6 percent interest rate they are entitled to on credit cards and car loans, even after they made the appropriate requests.

The investigation further found Capital One repossessed servicemembers’ cars and foreclosed on their homes while they were on active military status. They also failed to obtain court orders to take these actions. Finally, the company collected debts on mortgages, credit cards and vehicles without filing affidavits of military service.