DTI: Know your rights and responsibilities as consumers

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The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) urges Filipino consumers to always assert their rights and practice their responsibilities at all times, especially amidst the pandemic where transactions are mostly done online.

As consumers, we have eight (8) basic rights and five (8) responsibilities. These are the rights to basic needs; safety; information; choice; redress; representation; redress; consumer education, and a healthy environment. The five (5) responsibilities are critical awareness; action; social concern; environmental awareness; and solidarity.

The DTI through its Consumer Policy and Advocacy Bureau (CPAB) has advocacy initiatives and programs to strengthen consumer awareness on these rights and responsibilities and give access to information on various consumer-related laws. One of these is the conduct of Consumer Care Webinar Series, an online assembly that aims to educate the public on laws and policies that are beneficial to them.

The Department reminds consumers to stay vigilant before making a purchase. Consumers have the right to choose the products that they need. But before purchase, consumers have the right to information about these products. Customers engaging in digital transactions but purchased defective products have the right to redress and are entitled to the 3Rs – repair, replace, and refund – from where he/she bought the product.

As the country celebrates the World Consumer Rights Day on 15 March with the theme “Tackling Plastic Pollution”, the DTI emphasizes that one of the basic rights of the consumer is the right to a healthy environment where everyone shall have the opportunity to live and work in areas that are not threatening to their health and life.

Correspondingly, one of the consumer responsibilities is environmental awareness. As buyers, we must ensure that our choice of products do not harm the environment. Consumers are expected to segregate their wastes, conserve water and electricity, and lessen the use of products that have environmental impacts. The DTI encourages the public to participate in the Consumer Youth e-Forum on 19 March 2021, Friday, and their weekly webinars that will tackle topics on recycling and sustainability.

DTI Consumer Protection Group Undersecretary Ruth B. Castelo emphasizes, “The Department urges everyone, as consumers, to practice the 7Rs: Rethink, Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, and Replace in their homes, schools, and offices.”

For more consumer-relation information, visit the DTI website. For consumer-related concerns and queries, you may send an email to ConsumerCare@dti.gov.ph or reach us thru the One-DTI (1-384) Hotline. ♦

Date of Release: 18 March 2021

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