Data structures resilient to memory faults: An experimental study of dictionaries

Authors : Umberto Ferraro-Petrillo , Fabrizio Grandoni , Giuseppe F. Italiano Authors Info & Claims

Article No.: 1.6, Pages 1.1 - 1.14 Published : 19 April 2013 Publication History 7 citation 379 Downloads Total Citations 7 Total Downloads 379 Last 12 Months 3 Last 6 weeks 0 Get Citation Alerts

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We address the problem of implementing data structures resilient to memory faults, which may arbitrarily corrupt memory locations. In this framework, we focus on the implementation of dictionaries and perform a thorough experimental study using a testbed that we designed for this purpose. Our main discovery is that the best-known (asymptotically optimal) resilient data structures have very large space overheads. More precisely, most of the space used by these data structures is not due to key storage. This might not be acceptable in practice, since resilient data structures are meant for applications where a huge amount of data (often of the order of terabytes) has to be stored. Exploiting techniques developed in the context of resilient (static) sorting and searching, in combination with some new ideas, we designed and engineered an alternative implementation, which, while still guaranteeing optimal asymptotic time and space bounds, performs much better in terms of memory without compromising the time efficiency.


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Index Terms

Data structures resilient to memory faults: An experimental study of dictionaries


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We address the problem of sorting in the presence of faults that may arbitrarily corrupt memory locations, and investigate the impact of memory faults both on the correctness and on the running times of mergesort-based algorithms. To achieve this goal, .

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We investigate the problem of reliable computation in the presence of faults that may arbitrarily corrupt memory locations. In this framework, we consider the problems of sorting and searching in optimal time while tolerating the largest possible number .

The Price of Resiliency: a Case Study on Sorting with Memory Faults

We address the problem of sorting in the presence of faults that may arbitrarily corrupt memory locations, and investigate the impact of memory faults both on the correctness and on the running times of mergesort-based algorithms. To achieve this goal, .


Reviewer: Paparao S Kavalipati

Soft errors in electronics equipment can be caused by alpha particles or noise, and can change data that is being processed. The chance of these errors occuring increases with the size and speed of the memory used by the component. Memory cells can also be modified by optical and electromagnetic attacks aimed at determining secret keys used in encryption. It is necessary to develop techniques that make computations reliable in the presence of memory faults. Introducing error correction circuitry to address the problem increases costs in terms of both money and performance. Another solution is to replicate the data, but that is not practical in situations where the objects to be managed are complex. There is motivation to develop algorithms that can be resilient to memory faults. Such algorithms need to produce the correct output at least for the set of uncorrupted values. In an earlier work, some of the authors of this paper introduced a model for a faulty random access machine (RAM) in which an adversary can corrupt a certain number of words (with an upper bound) while a constant set of words remains safe, and the algorithms can choose to load certain RAM words in safe memory. In this paper, the authors consider resilient data structures, especially the implementation of dictionaries with a resilient search operation. They model the data structure and the adversary as two separate parallel threads, with the first running the input sequence of operations and the second injecting faults by selecting an unsafe memory word at random. This paper is mostly an experimental study, but the background material is covered in detail and provides sufficient information for someone new to the domain. After analyzing the comparative performance of earlier known data structures, the authors observe their large overhead in space, which motivates the development of a variant dictionary called RandMem that makes use of a secondary buffer. Insight for the improvement is derived by optimizing the implementation of an earlier dictionary called Rand. These results and the material presented here will be more interesting to practitioners who work with terabytes of inexpensive storage. As shown in the paper, it is not the actual number of faults, but rather the upper bound on their estimate that has the greater impact on running time. Though that is useful information, further research is necessary to determine how implementations can select such parameters. Online Computing Reviews Service

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