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The President of India, the Vice President of India, the Prime Minister of India and Governors of States or equivalent Heads of States and Union Territories as may be invited by the Council to become Honorary Fellows for the period of their respective tenures of office.

Honorary Life Fellow (HLF)

Honorary Life Fellows may be conferred by the Institution on persons in India and abroad for their high eminence in engineering or the sciences or who have contributed to the industrial advancement or development of engineering profession. All such conferment shall be by invitation and shall be announced at the next Annual General Meeting of the Institution. The number of the Honorary Life Fellows shall not be more than fifty at any time.

Fellow (FIE)

Fellow is the highest grade amongst the IEI Corporate Members category eligible to use designatory words FIE in their name. Fellow is awarded based on the knowledge, contribution and experience of the person in the respective engineering field after due scrutiny of the application by a board of eminent personalities.


  1. Minimum 40 years on the date of application.
  2. BE/B.Tech or equivalent qualification recognized by the Institution shall be accepted for various classes of membership. Other qualification may be accepted in consultation with the Equivalence Committee.
  3. Any applicant with BE/B.Tech or equivalent qualification recognized by the Institution and a total post-qualification experience of atleast 15 years and holding a position of high responsibility.

Member (MIE)

Member is a senior grade of IEI Corporate Member’s category and is eligible to use designatory words MIE after the name.


  1. Should have 30 years of age.
  2. BE/B.Tech/Sec A&B Exam. of IEI or equivalent qualification.
  3. Eight years professional engineering experience in a position of responsibility.

Associate Member (AMIE)

Associate Member is an initial grade of IEI Corporate Member’s category and is eligible to use designatory words AMIE after the name.


  1. Should have 21 years of age.
  2. BE/B.Tech/Sec A&B Exam. of IEI or equivalent qualification.
  3. Shall be engaged/ shall have been engaged in the design or execution or operation of Engineering works.
Non Corporate

Student Member (SMIE)

This category of membership is applicable to all students who are pursuing a course leading to BE/BTech or Equivalent on completion of which will make them eligible for corporate Membership. Validity of the membership is Six years from the date of enrolment.

Member Technologist (MTIE)

Member Technologist is a senior grade of membership applicable to technologist who does not possesses an engineering degree or equivalent but engaged in engineering or industrial profession of responsibility. They are eligible to use designatory words MTIE after the name.


  1. Should have 32 years of age.
  2. Diploma in Engineering from approved AICTE / State Board of Technical Education or B.Sc degree in Applied Science or B.Sc with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and Postgraduate degree in Applied Science / Technology / Computer Science / Computer Application or equivalent.
  3. Shall have been engaged in engineering or industrial profession at least for a period of ten years in a position of responsibility

Associate Member Technologist (AMTIE)

Associate Member Technologist is a initial grade of membership applicable to technologist who does not possesses an engineering degree or equivalent but engaged in engineering or industrial profession of responsibility. They are eligible to use designatory words AMTIE after the name.


  1. Should have 26 years of age.
  2. Diploma in Engineering from approved AICTE / State Board of Technical Education or B.Sc degree in Applied Science or B.Sc with Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics and Postgraduate degree in Applied Science / Technology / Computer Science / Computer Application or equivalent.
  3. shall have engaged in engineering or industrial profession at least for a period of five years in a position of responsibility

Senior Technician (Sr Tech IE)

Every candidate for election as a Senior Technician Member or transfer from Technician Member to Senior Technician Member shall satisfy the Council that he possesses the following :

  1. Age He shall have attained the age of 18 (eighteen) years on the date of his application for election or transfer.
  2. He shall be engaged in the engineering profession as a pupil or apprentice or assistant under a Corporate Member and shall, in the opinion of the Council, be making satisfactory progress in the acquisition of qualification for corporate membership provided that temporary unemployment is no bar to his election.
  3. Examination He shall have passed either (a) an accredited diploma examination in engineering or technology or its equivalent as recognised by the Council or (b) such other examination recognised by the Council as exempting from passing Section A (Non-diploma) Examination of the Institution.

Senior Technician Membership fee:

Fee for Applicants from India/Nepal Fee for Applicants from SAARC Countries Fee for Applicants from any other Countries
Regular Applicants Rs. 8280 US$ 460 US$ 655
Polytechnic Students Chapter Members Applying within 2 years form YOP Rs. 7980 US$ 450 US$ 610

Institutional Member (IM)

IEI offers Life Institutional Membership to organizations throughout India to any Public or Local Body, Registered Company or Firm or an Individual who desires to be attached as Institutional Member (IM).

Status of Application & Services

The processing of application for enrollment as corporate member (F/M/AM) normally takes two months time and that of non corporate ST Members takes three months time from the date of acknowledgement. All FIE / MIE/ AMIE / SMIE / ST Members after the enrolment are expected to receive the letter of Election by e-mail. The corporate members will also receive photo-icard and certificate by registered post within 2 months time after the enrolment. The newly enrolled ST members are expected to receive Photo Identity Card by speed post/registered post within two months time after the enrolment.

To find the status of your membership application and services, please click on the category of your membership:
Corporate Members (F/M/AM) Non-corporate Members (ST/ SMIE)

Chartered Engineer

As per the Declaration No.16 of the Royal Charter, 1935, “Every person being at any time a Corporate Member of the Institution may so long as he shall be a Corporate Member take or use the name or title of Chartered Engineer (India)”.

It has been observed that the Chartered Engineer certificate is often useful for the following purpose:-

In general, the Chartered Engineer certificate being issued by the IEI (which is one of world’s oldest and largest professional bodies of Engineers), plays the role of recognition and acceptance of one’s techno-academic qualification and professional attainment on a global platform.

Practicing Chartered Engineer

The Council at its 713 th Meeting held at Hyderabad decided to introduce a Certificate of Practice bearing a Practice Registration Number (PR No.) which would be for five years.

Career Advancement

The Institution of Engineers (India) is devoted to promote the efficiency and ethical practice in engineering services and committed to disseminate the information on the recent developments in engineering amongst the professionals. IEI helps engineering professionals to undertake planned and structured Training Programmes, attend Seminars, Workshops, etc. for Continual Professional Development (CPD) of the professionals.

IEI supports Continuing Professional Development to its Members and Engineering Professionals in following ways:-

  1. Training Program at Engineering Staff College of India: Engineering Staff College of India (ESCI) is an autonomous organ of ‘The Institution of Engineers (India)’. ESCI was established with the mandate of providing quality training and education in engineering and techno-management domains.The primary objective of ESCI is to impart professional and need-based continuing professional development and training in frontier areas of Engineering, Scientific and Management fields, simultaneously providing professional consultancy and technical services to the industry. ESCI's operations are firmly grounded in its desire to act as a bridge between academic institutions. Click to view program details.
  2. Technical Activities at Different parts of the Country: The Institution of Engineers (India) conducts various technical activities like International Conference, National Convention, All India Seminar / Workshop, One Day Seminar in various parts of the country. The topics of these technical activities are in parity the recent development and requirement of the engineering and sciences and the speakers are the leader of industry and academics. For Program Diary Please click
  3. Awards & Scholarship: IEI present a number of awards recognizing Professional performance in different branches of engineering. Also gives a range of scholarships which helps the engineers to advance their career and get more experience professionally.